Designed to be used for the displacement of water or air during hydrostatic testing of a pipeline IKS's range of Bi-directional disc/scraper offer excellent high sealing qualities. The range is comprehensive 2” through to 60”, with a variety of body constructions available. In sizes 2” up to 14” a spindle (bolt) body can be offered or alternatively the complete range up to 60” can be supplied as a multi bolt design.
The standard model is supplied with six polyurethane discs: two support/guide discs which assist loading and centralization in the pipeline and four sealing discs which drive, seal and scrape. The scraping action of the sealing discs has proved successful in removing light deposits from the pipe wall; this cleaning ability is enhanced by the addition of brushes, plough blades or pin wheel discs. Other design options include the attachment of magnets (for debris collection), gauge plates and transmitter housings. Extra sealing and guide discs can be added if the scraper is to be used over long distance (150km) or the pipeline conditions are particularly arduous.
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