Jetting-Bypass Scrapers

Jetting-Bypass Scrapers

Designed to remove and avoid build-up of sand, wax, scale, black powder, and other debris in front of the scraper. Percentage of propelling fluid is allowed to pass through the scraper from the rear forward. This flow will pass ahead of the scraper creating turbulent flow and keeping the debris flushed or suspended ahead of the scraper preventing buildup and blockage which could cause the scraper to get stuck.


The range is comprehensive 6” through to 36”, with a variety of body constructions available. The standard model is supplied with two support/guide discs that assist loading and centralization, four sealing discs that seal/drive, two circular brushes that help loosen and scrape hard deposit adhering to the pipe internal wall, and a removable multi-port jetting head assembly with nozzles directed to the pipe-wall fitted centrally onto the pig body. The jetting head can be supplied pluggable, with a central flushing port, or pressure pressure-activated design as an optional feature.

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